Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mom Like Mine

You just don't know what it's like til
you have a mom like mine.
Constantly telling you what to do
every day and all the time.

She even knows when I'm up to
no good. "Mischief children ought
not be where they should." A phrase
mom spoke. Although children took
it as a joke.

"Do your homework, pick up your
toys, eat your vegetables,
wash your hands...
......" You'd think a mom like mine
would try to understand.

I'm only a kid wanting to have
some fun. Was my mother ever
a child? Did a mom like mine
ever had any fun?

I can't wait til I'm all grown up and then
I can make my own decisions. I can do
anything I want without any supervision!

Then I wouldn't have to hear, "It's for your
own good." Relax mom, I won't forget the
things you taught me, as tempting as it would.

By the time I get old like you mom, you'll
clearly see that I'm quite responsible as you
hoped I'd be. 'Cause now I realize, a mom like
mine really cares a lot for me.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Playing Hookey

I don't want to go to school today.
I'd much rather stay home and play.
Knowing my friends will be at school,
So, being by myself won't be very cool.
I could spend all day in my bed,
Although, there are cool things I can do instead.
I could play video games all day.
After a few hours my eyes will dilate.
Then I'd realize I never ate.
I'd eat every thing til there was no more.
I should of thought of playing hooky long before.
I'd make it seem as if I were at school.
My nose buried in a book and
using my pencil as a tool.
"How was school?" mom and dad would ask.
A fib, hoping they'll accept and not contrast.
My conscious would remind me of the lie.
How I wished I had an alibi!
What if the principal should drop by or call?
Would I dare stay to face him and stall?
By the guilt on my face let the truth be told
Yes! I played hooky! Boy am I bold.
Have you a son or daughter who is good as gold?