Monday, April 26, 2010

Playing Hookey

I don't want to go to school today.
I'd much rather stay home and play.
Knowing my friends will be at school,
So, being by myself won't be very cool.
I could spend all day in my bed,
Although, there are cool things I can do instead.
I could play video games all day.
After a few hours my eyes will dilate.
Then I'd realize I never ate.
I'd eat every thing til there was no more.
I should of thought of playing hooky long before.
I'd make it seem as if I were at school.
My nose buried in a book and
using my pencil as a tool.
"How was school?" mom and dad would ask.
A fib, hoping they'll accept and not contrast.
My conscious would remind me of the lie.
How I wished I had an alibi!
What if the principal should drop by or call?
Would I dare stay to face him and stall?
By the guilt on my face let the truth be told
Yes! I played hooky! Boy am I bold.
Have you a son or daughter who is good as gold?